
Protecting Our Children Through Sex Education

There are many methods of protection we can utilize in protecting our children. Aside from my go-to defence of some knock off rage fight style, I place high value in protecting children through early and informed sex education.

anxiety, Blogs

Rip Off the Bandage

This is what my husband told me when I told him my fears of beginning my journey of a newly Certified Family Life Educator. I obtained my certification a few months ago after years of schooling, studying, and exams. My desire for so long has been to help educate people about families, relationships, and much… Continue reading Rip Off the Bandage


How to Fight with your Significant Other

I have never had a fight with my husband. I know what you are thinking. ‘You must live in some fairy tale romance that doesn’t exist. You have got to be kidding yourself! That is crazy!’ Don’t worry, I get those responses a lot. Contrary to popular opinion, I do NOT live in some fairy tale romance, I am NOT kidding myself, and maybe it is not as crazy as it initially sounds.